The real Marseille soap
How to recognize real Marseille soap
The term "Marseille soap" is not a protected name. It is difficult for consumers to distinguish real soap from fake soap among products sold on the market.
So-called "Marseille" soaps are not produced in Provence. In addition, they contain animal fats and chemical additives.
For La Maison du Savon de Marseille it is essential to preserve the traditional 100% vegetable recipe of authentic Marseille soap. For this reason, we have built a close partnership with Savonnerie du Fer à Cheval for its range of authentic Marseille soaps made in Provence.
This authenticity is guaranteed by the "Marseille Soap" label created by the Union of Marseille Soap Professionals, an association created in 2011 aimed to defend, promote and make known authentic Marseille soap.
The "Savon de Marseille" label is issued by the Union only to companies located in a specific geographical area, respecting a defined manufacturing process. Companies are checked annually during an audit.
A Savon de Marseille must meet 3 simple criteria:
1. Maximum 4 ingredients in its composition:
- Exclusively vegetable oils.
- Soda
- Water
- Sea salt
2. Making it in 5 key steps
Saponification: Vegetable oils (minimum 72%, guaranteed) and soda obtained from sea salt are mixed and brought to a boil in large kettles
Weeding: This operation consists of adding a very dense salty detergent to cause excess soda to the bottom of the kettle.
Graining: turns fat into soap by adding concentrated soda detergent.
Washing: Soap paste is refined by washing.
Liquidation: A final rinse with clear water returns the soap to its natural state. Then the soap is supernaturally smooth and pure, which makes its reputation. These various operations take between a week and ten days.
3. Its geographical origin
Our entire product range is made in Marseille.